Launched by Justice Centre Hong Kong in 2013, the Hong Kong Human Rights Arts Prize (HKHRAP) has played a pivotal role in discovering and encouraging Hong Kong-based artists to explore the state of human rights both at home and abroad. The arts prize offers a platform for artists to create work without boundaries and to magnify the impact and exposure of their stories.
The work of Justice Centre Hong Kong in creating a public dialogue and hosting voices at the intersection of art, society, business and human rights is of the utmost importance, especially in the current climate. By collaborating across all sectors they also hope to engage the civic imagination and inspire creative alternatives to the challenges at hand.
The HKHRAP also aims to raise awareness and funds for the front-line work of Justice Centre Hong Kong. A non-profit human rights organisation, Justice Centre works fearlessly to protect the rights of our most vulnerable community members bringing their stories into the public debate. They also provide people seeking protection in Hong Kong with free and independent legal information and assistance.
Website & Social Media:
Justice Centre HK website:
IG @justicecentrehk / FB: JusticeCentreHK
IG @hkhumanrightsartsprize / FB: HongKongHumanRightsArtsPrize